If you have found this page, you most likely have logged on to my website. Perhaps not... but I hope that you will visit my updated website at www.alonglifespath.com My thanks to Dana for getting the job done and I am very happy with the results. I would appreciate your feedback.
Soon, I will be posting articles and upcoming events on this blog. I have a few items that I want to post now for the month of October:
Fall Aging Conference at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Park will be on Friday, October 27, 2007. This is a great opportunity to hear many exciting speakers and to peruse the booths of many worthwhile vendors pertaining to senior housing, health care and long term care issues. There is still time to register, so don't miss out.
On October 23, 2007 at 7 p.m. - Becca Olson of AND Law Firm and myself will be speaking at Calvary Cooperative in Golden Valley. She will be speaking on estate planning issues and I will be talking on "Daily Money Managers, What can they do for you?" I believe it will be open to the public.
I also have several speaking engagements scheduled this month at "The Heathers", "Sunrise of Minnetonka" and "St. Therese Northridge" during the week of October 15th. My thanks to the Resident Services Coordinators for the opportunity.
Stay tuned for further events and articles to come. Welcome to all my new clients and those interested in the services of a Daily Money Manager.
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