Here are some tips to help you start a difficult conversation with your Mom or Dad. This may be about nursing home placement, funeral pre-planning or just obtaining health care at home:
1. Acknowledge the difficulty of the situation
Changing roles
Difficult subject
2. Look at the facts- be gentle and sensitive(if there is resistance back up and create a safe space before proceeding)
3. Ask questions- be curious- look for ways to have the senior control the conversation
4. Identify the outcome you are both looking for-the future you want to create. Be open to their thoughts and thinking outside the box.
5. Inquire into what would help the senior create the next stage of their life as the Best part of their life.
6. Develop concrete action items that don't overwhelm.
Remember, it takes courage, compassion and generosity to make a good conversation and a willingness to change your mind.
Provided by the Society of Certified Senior Advisors. http://www.csa.com
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