Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Now that the holiday season is knocking on our doors, I would like to remind those of you who will be visiting your aging parents to pay a little extra attention to their situation. For example: Is there mail all over the house that remains unopened?
Is their house not quite as clean as mom used to keep it?
Are there bills that haven't been paid or notices of termination of utility service?

These are signs that things may be getting overwhelming for your aging parents. Don't confront them directly but gently suggest that you may be able to help or you know someone who can help them with day to day money management. Often your parents don't want you to know how confusing things have become for them. It's important, however, that they get some assistance or at least have access to resources for when they do need it.

ALONG LIFE'S PATH can help. Even if they don't want my services (per se), I can direct you or your loved ones to just about every kind of resource available to seniors. I am more than happy to assist in any way I can. I know what it's like to struggle with running your own life and trying to stay up with Mom and Dad's personal business.

What this means for you is that next holiday season you can spend time with your family without the stress and anxiety of worrying about Mom and Dad.