Happy Holidays to all my clients, colleagues and business associates. I wish you all the best in the coming year.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays to all my clients, colleagues and business associates. I wish you all the best in the coming year.
Watch Out for Illegal Insurance Practices
• Pressure you into buying a Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance) policy, or lie
to or mislead you to switch from one company or policy to another.
• Sell you a second Medigap policy when they know that you already have one,unless you tell the insurance company in writing that you plan to cancel your existing
Medigap policy.
• Sell you a Medigap policy if they know you have Medicaid, except in certain situations.
• Sell you a Medigap policy if they know you are in a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO, PPO or private Fee-for-Service Plan) (unless your coverage under the
Medicare Advantage Plan will end before the effective date of the Medigap policy).
• Claim that a Medigap policy is part of the Medicare program or any other Federal program. Medigap is private health insurance.
• Claim that a Medicare Advantage Plan is a Medigap policy.
• Sell you a Medigap policy that can’t legally be sold in your state. Check with your
State Insurance Department to make sure that the Medigap policy you are interested
in can be sold in your state.
• Misuse the names, letters or symbols of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), Social Security Administration (SSA), Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), or any of their various programs like Medicare. (For example, they can’t suggest the Medigap policy has been approved or recommended by the Federal government.)
• Sell you a Medicare Advantage Plan when you want to stay in Original Medicare and buy a Medigap policy. A Medicare Advantage Plan isn’t the same as Original Medicare. If you enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan you will be disenrolled from Original Medicare and can’t use a Medigap policy.
If you believe that a Federal law has been broken, call the Inspector General’s hotline at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477). TTY users should call 1-800-377-4950. Your State Insurance Department can help you with other insurance-related problems.
This information is provided by Society of Certified Senior Advisors® (SCSA) www.csa.us and comes from Choosing a Medigap Policy 2009 at www.medicare.gov.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
New Resources Available for the Twin Cities Area Seniors and Their Families
Twin Cities area seniors now have a new resource to help them age successfully. Barbara Grimm, CSA, with Along Life’s Path, recently completed a comprehensive course through the Society of Certified Senior Advisors (SCSA) and earned the designation of Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)®. SCSA in an international organization that has trained more than 20,000 professionals to meet the changing needs of a growing senior population.
The explosion in growth of the senior population is one of the most important demographic developments of the 21st century. Two-thirds of the people who have lived past the age of 65 are alive today. In the
This demographic shift requires an educated response in how professionals work with senior and the challenges and opportunities they face. Barbara Grimm said: “With more people living longer, we are already beginning to see changes in how seniors function in our society, from retirees who choose to start a second or third career, to various forms of alternative senior housing and new approaches to diet, exercise and overall health care for seniors”.
As a CSA, Barbara Grimm will participate in continuing education that emphasizes ethical selling and business practices and volunteer service specific to seniors.
Barbara Grimm is a Daily Money Manager for Seniors. For a free in-home consultation, call 612/385-6446 or email
Monday, August 24, 2009
Facebook Fan Page
I hope to see you on Facebook and soon on Twitter.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Costs of Eldercare
The average length of care-giving for an older family member is 4.3 years... More time than their younger children spend in daycare. Adult children often work full time, raise a family, maybe run a business and then haul children to sports and activities. Now add to that the time they spend taking care of their parents' homes, financial paperwork and doctor appointments. WOW!
The employers of adult children are highly impacted by the loss of time their employees are forced to absorb. In this time of financial hardship, adult children are often worried that the additional time spent away from work will cause them to lose their jobs or impact their future with the company.
What can you do? Nobody wants to neglect the loved ones who took such good care of us when we were young. And yet, aren't we entitled to have our lives too?
What is most needed is resources and a strong support system. Ask your employers if flexible time is an option for you. That will decrease stress for employees and employers. Having a flexible schedule allows you to make those doctor appointments during regular hours and only miss a few hours rather than calling in sick yourself to take Mom or Dad. If your employer is flexible, perhaps you can work earlier in the morning or later in the evening and still finish work on time.
Another good supportive tool is to do some research proactively. In other words, look for home health care agencies, attorneys, financial planners, daily money managers and other resources to assist you when you need help. There are many resources out there that will be happy to give you a free consultation BEFORE the crisis hits.
As a Daily Money Manager, I often help people find the resources they need. Even if they don't need my services now or in the near future, they may some day. And I would be happy to help them find viable solutions for their aging parents, aunts, uncles and/or grandparents.
Call me for a FREE consultation at 612/385-6446.
Or email alonglifespath@juno.com
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Don't Believe Everything You Read
One recent article indicated that a person from "A Little Help for the Elderly and Disabled" obtained a power of attorney from a man in a nursing home whose wife did not follow through with an application for Medical Assistance. Without knowing all the details... it seems that the person did not advise the wife of the man about the power of attorney obtained. It is hard to know if that is really the case, but the wife claims the new attorney in fact spent thousands on a pre-paid burial and paid herself over a thousand dollars in service fees.
I have to say that the article is misleading. It is perfectly normal to pre-pay a funeral as a method of spending down to qualify for Medical Assistance. The amounts vary but those become exempt assets and therefore not counted in determining eligibility. Also, the time involved in completing a Medical Assistance application would certainly entail many hours of hard work and depending on the hourly rate, would be at least $1,000.
I would suggest that there are people out there who really, truly care for their senior clients. I would hope that the person involved in this case had the man's best interests at heart. At worst, I believe there may have been an error in having an incapacitated person sign a power of attorney.
As a former paralegal in Elder Law, I would never ask an incapacitated person to sign a document giving away financial powers to me or anyone. This is a very unfortunate incident and I don't know the person in question, but, I would hope this serves as a reminder to all families out there. It is very important that you obtain good references for any services provided to seniors. Know your rights and particularly safeguard your vulnerable family members' rights as well.
Call me with any questions in this regard. (612) 385-6446.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have been slightly remiss in adding to my blog as you can see... However, I wanted to update the blog with news and some upcoming events:
I am now a licensed insurance agent for health, life and accident. I will be getting appointed to an insurance company so I can help you with your insurance needs.
I joined Absolute Connections chapter of BNI, the world's premier networking group.
March 16, 2009 @ 1:30 p.m.
"Who can you trust with your money?" I will be speaking at Augustana Apartments in downtown Minneapolis on how to protect yourself from theft, fraud, or scams... whether it is inflicted by strangers or your own family. Recently, there have been several articles in the newspaper about vulnerable seniors and how easily their assets were liquidated often without them even being aware.
There are still reputable people out there who can help you with your money management and won't take advantage of you. But...you have to be alert and aware of the warning signs and empower yourself or others to take action on your behalf.
March 23, 2009 at 7 p.m.
"Who can you trust with your money?" I will be speaking at Calvary Cooperative in Golden Valley on how to protect yourself from theft, fraud, or scams... whether it is inflicted by strangers or your own family. Recently, there have been several articles in the newspaper about vulnerable seniors and how easily their assets were liquidated often without them even being aware.
There are still reputable people out there who can help you with your money management and won't take advantage of you. But...you have to be alert and aware of the warning signs and empower yourself or others to take action on your behalf.
If you would like to attend either event, please contact me at alonglifespath@juno.com